I am looking for studies, including evaluations focused on the the use of written political mobilization tools, e.g. manifestos, peoples' charters, declarations, in achieving political change. Hope you can help. Thanks!
social change |
question / pregunta:
I decided it would be productive and relatively easy to provide links by searching the open web, with the terms "leadership and models and social and justice." The results, like this one The Social Change Model of Leadership Development--focused on student leaders seemed to be mostly student centered, so I tried again with Social and Change and Model and Leadership and community and building -students, which yielded Building Capacity for Social Change, specifically geared to communities of color. And here's an easily digestible offering from Buffalo State College called The Social Change Model. Most of the other sites want you to pay for a training with them or buy their publications. One of these, Lejuste Three Dimensions of Leadership Development from Connections for Community Leadership offers plenty of information that you might be able to make use of without having to take their workshop. Leadership for a Changing World provides links to Leadership Stories by Issue. The above links should give you plenty to chew on for a while, but please come back if you have a narrowed down question we can help you with. |
If you are near a large public or academic library, you can also do research on this in many business and management databases. Public libraries often have Business Source(Ebsco). Their more general databases such as Masterfile or Infotrac might also be quite helpful. With a library card, you can get off-site access, including quite a few full text articles. Large academic libraries will have ABI/Inform, Factiva, and Business and Company Resource Center. Since this is a broad subject, you will need to try many combinations, such as: "leadership development programs" and "public interest"; "leadership training" and "social change", etc. If you get too many hits, limit to title words or subjects, using "advanced search" or "guided search" options. In Ebsco and many other databases, you can even over-ride the "title, subject, abstract words" default, by typing in "search field limiters", for example: ti "leadership programs" and su "social change" If getting library access is not practical right now, you can get quite a lot of research for free on the web. Google Scholar gets about 90 hits for: "leadership development programs" "public interest". But this DOES include some subcription-based journals, and it might be a bit discouraging if you are repeatedly asked for a user name and password. Google Scholar includes these as a convenience for its many academic customers - who often ARE on campus where these links often work because the institution's library subscribes and the publisher gives IP-address access. Compare a regular web search, using site:edu or site:ac.uk, etc. Google's Web search: "leadership development programs" "public interest" site:edu gets 170 hits (238 including "very similar" ones) |
question / pregunta:
Can you suggest possible sources of information about leadership development programs in the United States and internationally that focus on leadership for social change, social movement building and/or public interest leadership (as distinct from programs focused on leadership in management or industry). One use of this information is to begin the development of a global database of socially conscious and progressive leadership develpment programs. Hope you can help. Thank you.