local collectives

RR-NYC salon: Google Books Settlement

Friday October 16 2009
Sixth Street Community Center
638 East Sixth Street (between Avenues B & C)
Free, but attendees will be asked to donate a few bucks to help pay for the space rental

The NYC collective of Radical Reference will host a "people's university" style salon to discuss the Google Books Settlement.

Participants will be strongly encouraged to sign up to read one of the articles posted below, and be prepared to report on it at the meeting. See the bibliography from the OCLC salon discussion we held in January for an example of how this works.

  1. Please add items you think people should read ahead of time.
  2. Please keep them in anti-chronological order.
  3. Feel free, encouraged even, to provide some annotation.
  4. Please volunteer to summarize one item for the group at the salon by putting your name after it in parentheses, like this: (Farfel)
  5. If you can't/don't want to edit the page to add a citation or claim an article, just say what you want in a comment.

NYC Local Collective Meeting Notes, September 2009

RR NYC Collective Meeting, Friday, September 11, 2009

Attendance: Alycia, Angie, Becky, David, Denise, Ilya, Jenna, Jerome, John, Jonny (facilitator), Karen, Melissa, Myron, Natalie

  1. Intros
    In attendance were new and graduating LIS students (including an RR PDX transplant), library groupies, an ABC No Rio artgoer, a library project practitioner, and returning collective members.

Bitch Media Community Lending Library

Members of the Portland Radical Reference Collective helped get Bitch's community lending library off the ground.

NYC Collective August Meeting Notes

Location: NYC AIDS Housing Network
Attendees: Melissa (facilitator), John, Jenna, Alycia, Ray

NYC Collective August Meeting Notes

Location: NYC AIDS Housing Network
Attendees: Melissa (facilitator), John, Jenna, Alycia, Ray

Meeting minutes July 2009

Location: Natalie's apartment in Brooklyn
Attendance: Cherie, Emily, Jenna, John, Melissa (facilitator), Natalie

Western Mass. Radical Reference Collective June 29, 2009 meeting notes

Western Mass. Radical Reference
June 29, 2009, Monday, meeting notes

Since it was just a few of us we mostly socialized. We did look over a

Western Mass. Radical Reference Collective May 9, 2009 meeting notes

*** Next Meeting/Social will be at 6:00 on Monday, June 29th, at
the Northampton Brewery. Meet on the deck upstairs, unless it's
raining, in which case look for us near the bar. ***

Radical Reference Unpanel: Alternative Materials in Libraries

Skillshare offered at the Grassroots Media Conference
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Hunter College, 68th & Lexington
Register for the whole conference

Western Mass. Radical Reference Collective April 4, 2009 meeting notes

**Next meeting Saturday May 9th at Amherst Brewing Company (upstairs) at 5pm.**

Notes from the Western Massachusetts Radical Reference Meeting

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