NYC Collective August Meeting Notes

Location: NYC AIDS Housing Network
Attendees: Melissa (facilitator), John, Jenna, Alycia, Ray

1. Red Channels Film Screening
The film screening will happen Tuesday, August 25 at 7pm at the Brecht Forum. Melissa will be part of a panel speaking about "Right to the City" after the screening of 2 (archival) films from the 50's-one about the Bibliotheque Nacionale and one about McCarthyism (?). There will be additional speakers-Melissa believes from FUREE-and a discussion about public space and public libraries.
All Rad Reffies who can make it to the screening should come!

2. Radical Reference Intern
Jenna proposed making an announcement to email lists and library schools for a Radical Reference intern. She thought that the intern could do any number of projects such as:
-Work on the website
-Fact-check answers on the site
-Tagging project
-Any of the projects on the Dream Projects list
Jenna said she was inspired by the current ABC No Rio intern.
If we do find interested students, a RR member may need to volunteer to be the supervisor of the internship, especially if it would be for credit.
Jenna will put a call out to the moderators list to see who may be interested in working on this.

3. Fall Salon
RR would like to have a Fall salon to get folks together once school is in session again. The topic that seems to be most popular is the Google Books settlement. We would like to use the format of the OCLC discussion; where everyone shares articles and comes prepared to discuss.

In our discussion of trying to set a date, we decided that October may work better for a salon and that we would have a September meeting that we could encourage new and returning library school students to attend. The specific dates for the Salon and the September meeting are going to be decided via Moreganize polls (Melissa already sent out the call) and/or at our September meeting.

We still need to determine a space for both. I didn't make it to Rev. Billy headquarters today-sorry folks!