Questions that have been answered
Submitted by Anonymooose on Wed, 04/30/2008 - 10:01am
question / pregunta:
Who qualifies and fastes way to apply.
Submitted by Anonymooose on Tue, 04/29/2008 - 5:18pm
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In 1974, members of Women's Liberation in Sydney, Australia, squatted two houses to found "Elsie," a battered women's shelter. Eventually, the group was given a lease and a federal grant to pay the salaries of Elsie's 6 staff members. Where would I find more information/documentation about the group and the house?
Submitted by Anonymooose on Tue, 04/29/2008 - 10:09am
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Your RSS feed for the aggregator is broken!!!! It sends the same stuff out to my reader every day. Please fix.
Submitted by bwinston35 on Mon, 04/28/2008 - 1:13pm
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I'm researching the first half of 20th century US History and I'm looking for some decent academic works (prefably books)that address this time period. General overviews (yet not the typical discourse) of the 20's and 30's are areas that I need the most help in, but anything regarding 1900-1950 would be great.
Submitted by Anonymooose on Fri, 04/25/2008 - 5:09pm
question / pregunta:
Can anyone please tell me what the most recent research with cut women indicates about their position on pro-choice or other, with specific reference to cutting.
Submitted by beanblossom on Fri, 04/25/2008 - 12:33pm
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I'm doing a research project for school and am hoping to become an activist/volunteer in the area of prison libraries. For the topic of my research, I'm hoping to find a direct correlation between the existence of prison libraries with the rehabilitation period for incarcerated people. I'm having trouble finding such specific information. My questions are: 1. Are there any sources (demographic, statistical) that are devoted specifically to this project? and 2. Is there anyone with first-hand experience in this area that could share points of view or personal stories?
Submitted by Anonymooose on Wed, 04/23/2008 - 2:36pm
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When and where was the first battered women's shelter established in the United States?
Submitted by Anonymooose on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 7:43pm
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I'm enrolled in a health class and I've asked my teacher questions about transitioning males and the affects of testosterone on their body, especially considering that estrogen seems to have a protective effect on female bodies. I haven't gotten a straight answer. Particularly, I'm wondering if testosterone makes someone who is transitioning more susceptible to osteoporous and heart disease. It would be great to get this information from a source that has trans people's interests at heart.
Submitted by Anonymooose on Mon, 04/21/2008 - 12:52am
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Several months ago, a friend attended a training around domestic violence and sexual assault. She recently told me that one of the presenters had said that the rates of women killing their abusive spouses/partners dropped dramatically with the establishment of battered women's shelters in the United States. She said that the presenter did not state where he got this information. Where would i find studies/reports confirming (or disproving) this statement?
Submitted by Anonymooose on Wed, 04/16/2008 - 9:37am
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I'm currently receiving unemployment benefits and will be participating in a one-day paid focus group. The group states that I will receive an "honorarium" for my participation: does this count as income or work?