Congratulations to Radical Reference mainstay Lia Friedman and her pal Char Booth for authoring the May 15th 2008 Library Journal NextGen column, "Finding Your Inner Moxie."
jenna's blog |
The following is a round up of the subject headings (24), cross-references (6), and subdivisions (2) suggested to the Library of Congress during our LCSH Blog-a-Thon. Included is anything that was legitimately tagged with rr_lcsh2008 on Thanks to everyone who helped promote this effort, and huge thanks to everyone who participated. Members of Radical Reference hope to work with catalogers, particularly those from the RADCAT discussion list to SACOfy suggested headings that haven't previously been submitted to LC in a formal manner. However, we also think that it would be nice if the form weren't the barrier that it is for non-cataloging librarians to contribute subject heading ideas. |
Do subject headings still matter? We say they do. Does the Library of Congress always identify accessible and appropriately named headings and implement them in a timely manner? We say not always. All you have to do is spend one day behind a reference desk to see examples of biased, non-inclusive, and counterintuitive classifications that slow down, misdirect, or even obscure information from library users. As librarians and library workers, providing access to information is important-and classifying it in ways that are inclusive and intuitive strengthens our egalitarian mission. Between now and Sunday, April 27, Radical Reference invites you to suggest subject headings and/or cross-references which will then be compiled and sent to the Library of Congress. You can either choose one previously suggested by Sandy Berman (pdf or spreadsheet) or propose your own. This is a chance to positively impact the catalog of the de facto national library of the United States, which also impacts cataloging all over the world! Here's how... |
This post is part of the Radical Reference Library of Congress Subject Heading Suggestion Blog-a-Thon. FOLKSONOMY was first proposed to the Cataloging Policy & Support Office in September 2007 by Sanford Berman. |
Those not regularly reading the Radreffies' blogs aggregator might have missed Lia Friedman's post about how POPLINE, a government funded "...database on reproductive health, containing citations with abstracts to scientific articles, reports, books, and unpublished reports in the field of population, family planning, and related health issues." (emphasis added) has made "abortion" a stop word. If you're not up on your library jargon, that means it treats "abortion" the same way it would the word "the"--ignores it. |
I put the wrong URL (the one that got you to this page) on our handout. The real URL for our slides and handouts is So sorry for the screw-up--especially in a fact checking workshop! |
Jenna Freedman and Lana Thelen are presenting a fact checking workshop at the Women and Media Conference at MIT March 28-30, 2008. |
Lana and I are presenting a fact checking workshop at the Women and Media Conference on Saturday, and we're appealing to Rad Ref's collective intell |
It's Drupal BarCamp time, once again in NYC. March 29 & 30, 2008 |
Two Radical Reference volunteers, James Jacobs and ShinJoung Yeo, both librarians at Stanford University helped develop an Open Source Lab "to be a nexus on campus for the discussion, advocacy, and technical support of community-based technologies and information systems" at the institution, and it was written up in Red Hat Magazine. |