Lia Friedman, a core Radical Reference member and one of the organizers of the recent ACRL Preconference Unconference was named a Library Journal Mover & Shaker.
jenna's blog |
For those attending the Association of College and Research Libraries conference in Seattle, and those who live in/near Seattle: Thursday, March 12, 10-2:30pm |
Call for Proposals - National Diversity in Libraries Conference The 2010 National Diversity in Libraries Conference, "NDLC2010: From Groundwork to Action," will take place from July 14-16, 2010 in Princeton, NJ. |
Jonathan Ned Katz, who presented at our Radical Archives event in NYC, posted this call for contributions to the Radical Reference NYC announcements list: |
February 23-26 Code4Lib 2009 in Providence, RI costs money, but has been sold out for weeks anyway |
Tonight, January 23, 2009 the NYC Radical Reference Collective is hosting a salon style discussion of the new Policy for Use and Transfer of WorldCat Records proposed by OCCL. Even if you can't attend, you might get some use out of the bibliography we're developing or the notes posted by one of our members about a previous discussion on this topic. |
Diedre Conkling of the Lincoln County Library District in Oregon made a comment on the Social Responsibilities Round Table list that I thought might be of interest to librarians, and also to journalists, especially when confronted with questions about "balance" and "neutrality." |
As an adjunct to the ACRL conference in Seattle in March 2009, members of Radical Reference are organizing an unconference on social justice and alternative and radical collections and programs in academic libraries. |
If you're in Nueva York... ATTN: HOLIDAY SHOPPERS!!! |
APHA-New York presents: Don Carli, "The Carbon Footprint of Print and Digital Media: Why you should care and what you can do about it" Co-sponsored by the Rare Book & Manuscript Library of Columbia University. Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2008, 6-7:30 p.m. |