anarchist book fair

Compensation, Access, and Theft: Copyright in the 21st Century

Saturday, April 9th, 4:15pm
Judson Memorial Church (across from Washington Sq Park)
NYC Anarchist Book Fair

**AUDIO FROM THE EVENT (thanks to Dan V.)

Autonomedia publisher Jim Fleming
Craig O'Hara, co-founder of PM Press and the Tabling Tornados
Karl Fogel from Question Copyright
Radical Reference librarian Aliqae Geraci
Victoria Law, author of Resistance Behind Bars

Moderated by Melissa Morrone.

Radical Reference Presents: Do It Yourself Archives

2009 NYC Anarchist Book Fair
Saturday, April 11, 11:15am-12:45pm
Tamiment Library
70 Washington Square South

Jillian's slides
Nicole and Nick's slides
Watch it on your computer

NEW 1/24/11
Cleaned up and posted by Dan Vea (thanks, Dan!)
Audio on Radio4All: one part, the other part, and on

Archivists Jillian Cuellar (Tamiment Library) and Nicole Martin (Democracy Now!) and IT Director Nick Gilla (Democracy Now!) will give instruction on archiving principles and techniques for physical and digital materials. This skillshare will be appropriate for individuals and groups interested in preserving their documents and media.

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