Radical Librarian Drinks Potluck

Saturday, July 31, 7-11pm
Reanimation Library, Proteus Gowanus

The NYC collective of Radical Reference will host a social gathering at the Reanimation Library in Brooklyn on Saturday, July 31. It is meant to be a meet and greet for library workers and LIS students with far left politics. Radico-curious folks welcome!

Signs that you might be a radical:
*You explain your politics to extended family as "to the left of Michael Moore"
*You use Phil Ochs's definition of liberal
*When you think of anarchists, you picture Food Not Bombs, not Molotov cocktails
*You think the Daily Show is more racist, homophobic and sexist than funny
*You refer to DRM as Digital Restrictions Management and think copyright should never apply to dead people
*The policeman is not your friend
*You went into librarianship because it's the last/best bastion of socialism in America
*You spend lots of time in the HX821s or 335.83s
*You wince whenever you hear patrons referred to as "customers" or libraries as "businesses"

Bring your own booze/juice/soda and extra to share. Depending on your political orientation you may think of your contribution as common property, property is theft, or mutual aid. Dumpstered libations gladly accepted.

We'll provide ice, cups, and recycling bags. Contact nyc@radicalreference.info with questions and comments. Save the political debates for the event.