Question: Regarding Smallpox and Kidnapping in the British Colonization of North America.


I'm doing a research on the colonisation of Australia. My argument is that there was a genocide here against the aboriginal people and to fit in the genocide convention 1948 I have to provide evidence of the 'intent'to commit genocide. So one of the ways I want to do it is, firstly, to prove that the British Crown knew that the land was inhabited. Secondly, that the British had been already dealing with smallpox in North America. Thirdly, that the British did not steal children from the northamerican indians.

My questions are two: Firstly, how did the British deal with smallpox in North America? I know the vaccine was not invented until almost 1790 by Edward Jenner but I think, still, they could have had some sort of precaution after having gone through the experience of the North American indians.

The second question is: Did the British steal indian children and put them in white families as they did with the stolen generations in Australia?

Thanks a lot for your help.