SF radref outreach

James and I have been in San Francisco for a year and finally we are starting to connect with local activist communities and let people know about radical reference.

We attended a public forum on immigration organized by international a.n.s.w.e.r. at the Women's Building. Karina Garcia, the political chair of the student Chicano Caucus at Columbia University, talked about a large protest against Jim Gilchrist at Columbia University. Radref flyers were passed around and left on several tables. We also went to the LaborTech conference. At the conference, we met a few Korean labor organizers and James and I are planning to meet them in Korea during our trip over the holidays.

At both events, we distributed radref flyers and talked to people about our services. We're planning to attend local gatherings at least once or twice a week and talk about Radref and distribute flyers. One way to do outreach is to attend your local community gatherings and distribute flyers. Most of time people will ask you about what the flyer is about and are generally excited to hear about a group of librarians helping out activists. That's your chance to talk about Radref! Let us know if you have ideas for how to do outreach. The more people know about radref, the more questions we'll get.