Mao Era Propaganda



For free web sources, try, with searches like: mao children "picture books" site:edu (54 hits); mao "Yue Minjun" "children's books" (10 hits); and mao "cultural revolution" "picture books" (190 hits, but MANY are from publishers catalogs and library lists).

In a Google Web search, "mao era" "comic books" gets 207 hits, but "mao era" "comic books" site:edu may be too restrictive – there might be some useful .org and even .com sites among those first 207. Also, “mao era” will ALSO pick up “post mao era” and possibly even “pre mao era”(though none of those seem to show up on a quick scan of hits). Site:gov can help out too, although it may well introduce political bias of its own. Google Web search "cultural revolution" "picture books" site:gov gets 4 hits, and "cultural revolution" comic* site:gov gets 21. gets very different results that simply limiting Google to site:gov. For one thing, does its own indexing and may go deeper into the sites, but also it includes MANY state government sites, including schools, museums, etc. The search: "cultural revolution" mao "children's books" gets 21 hits; "cultural revolution" “Children’s books” gets 62; "cultural revolution" mao "picture books" gets 8; and "cultural revolution" mao comic gets 54. Not many of these will be actual graphics, pictures, or comic books themselves – they are papers and reports talking about them, and may be good if you are doing more detailed research.

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