Hubert Harrison: The Voice of Harlem Radicalism, 1883-1918

... is the title of a new book published by Columbia University Press. Among Harrison's achievements, according to the publisher's blurb, was transforming "the 135th Street Public Library into an international center for research in Black culture."

A recent (Dec. 2008) review of the book says:

A familiar account of African-American culture during the first two decades of the 20th century frames it as a conflict between Booker T. Washington (champion of patient economic self-improvement within the existing framework of a racist society) and W.E.B. Du Bois (strategist of an active struggle for civil rights under the leadership of the black community’s “talented tenth”). The life and work of Hubert Harrison does not just complicate this picture; he breaks right through its frame.

Harrison's papers are archived at Columbia.

It’s great to have a study

It’s great to have a study of this great man.

American Atheists has been selling a short book about him for a number of years, which I have read, and I passed my copy on to a colleague whose History specialization is African American History.
It’s wonderful that this new volume has been added to the wealth of human knowledge and I will consider recommending it for my library, and would advise other librarians to do the same. The booklet sold by American Atheists is concise & good, but this book is now the best way to go.

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