answer 1745


Here are a few (at times contradictory) articles about vegetarianism in China:

China's Carnivorous Eating Habits Become Food for Debate; In a nation where all living things are game, health issues push some toward vegetarianism.; [HOME EDITION]
John M. Glionna. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles, Calif.: Jul 4, 2004. pg. A.3

The conscience of a vegetarian
Tang Yuankai. Beijing Review. Beijing: Nov 11, 2004. Vol. 47, Iss. 45; pg. 30

Now Meat Is Raising Red Flags in China; Many scoff, but vegetarianism is gaining ground among a populace increasingly open to new ideas and trends.; [Home Edition]
HENRY CHU. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles, Calif.: Jul 27, 1998. pg. 1

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