ANSWER: Women and Political Violence

Hello there. This is a great topic. There is a wealth of knowledge and first-hand documents out on the internet for many if not all of the women you mentioned. Here are some generally good places to try for more information, hopefully this will provide a good start on your research:

I used to work at Freedom Archives (Link Text and they have audio recordings of progressive political material from the early 60’s up. There would definitely be some relevant material for you there. You can search their online catalog and find material. There is a lot of backlog material so it might be better to contact or and ask for their assistance. They can make copies of the material and mail it to you.

Harvard’s Schlessinger Library (Link Text is focused on the history of women in America and is open to the public for research. They have a large collection of primary documents .

The book: The American sisterhood: writings of the feminist movement from colonial times to the present. By Wendy Martin ISBN: 0060442344

The Virtual Library Women’s History has a good set of links that seem worth browsing through: Link Text

The Lucy Parsons Center Radical Bookstore is a collective here in Boston and they may be able to direct you to special materials they have available: Link Text

The Anarchist Archives: Link Text

Emma Goldman Papers: Link Text

AK Press has lots of primary source material available for purchase: Link Text

Mother Jones has a autobiography: Link Text and a collection:

If you can get acess to the database JSTOR (many public libraries offer this), it has a excellent retroactive periodicals collection, including Students for a Democratic Society Papers, 1958-1970.

Best of luck!