Question: militarism webliography

Our small group, Mouths Wide Open has launched an army men project, in which we pass out plastic army men to place in public places, with a sticker that says "bring me home" and our website inviting comments and discourse.... we would like to reference a range of sites and information on the site that highlight our interest in exploring militarism in our society, a bigger view than just attention to actual soldiers now serving. I am looking for any sites that discuss militarism in culture -- in fashion -- the camoflage craze, for example, or the spate of WWII movies that came out just before the war on Iraq, etc.

Do you have any ideas of any sites, or articles, or ways to point me in?

I was handed a flyer at a meeting I attended re the Inaguration and passed it out to our group. We are Thrilled you are in existence, and love the email you just sent! thanks! we will put you as a link on our site.